Privacy information for consultation workshops
On this page
Purpose of the workshops
The Disability Support Services (DSS), in partnership with the Ministry of Social Development (MSD) and All is for All, is conducting in-person and online workshops to gather feedback on:
- how we can make our assessment and allocation processes clearer
- your feedback on proposed criteria for access to flexible funding and potential changes to how the funding is used.
Your insights from these workshops will help develop options for the Government on clearer assessment and allocation processes and inform decisions regarding changes to flexible funding.
Privacy of your information
All is for All is managing the registration process for these workshops. Some personal information will be collected to enable your participation. This information will be used for planning, coordination, and reporting purposes.
All is for All will share the following information you provide in the registration form with DSS:
- workshop sessions you have selected
- whether you are bringing a support person
- your accessibility needs
- whether you require a New Zealand Sign Language (NZSL) interpreter
- comments you have provided
- optional demographic information, including:
- description of your disability.
- your relationship to the disabled community
- ethnicity.
Personally identifiable information, such as your name and contact details, will not be shared with DSS, and will be deleted by March 24, 2025, when the workshops conclude.
Your workshop feedback will not be audio or video recorded. Written notes will be taken to gather insights, with any identifying details removed before use. Demographic information may be linked to feedback to identify trends, but no other personally identifiable information will be connected.
Only authorised staff working on this initiative will have access to the information you provide.
Limitations of privacy
While every effort will be made to ensure your identity is not disclosed in any reports or use of the workshop feedback, please note:
- other workshop participants will see and hear what you share.
- although confidentiality will be emphasised, we cannot guarantee that other participants will not share what is discussed.
Your consent
By participating in the workshops, you understand that:
- The purpose of the workshops is to gather feedback to improve DSS assessment and allocation processes and inform potential changes to flexible funding.
- My participation is voluntary, and I can choose not to answer any questions or stop participating at any time.
- My feedback will not affect my access to services or my relationship with DSS.
- The workshops will not be audio or video recorded, and my personal identifiable information will be protected and deleted by March 24, 2025.
- Feedback collected during the workshops will only be accessed by trained and authorised DSS(, MSD), and All is for All staff.
- While every effort will be made to maintain confidentiality, complete anonymity cannot be guaranteed due to the group setting of the workshops.
By participating in the workshops, you are consenting to the collection and sharing of information described above.
Who to contact
If you have any questions, concerns, or require further information, please contact us at: