Information for service providers
We offer a range of disability support services through contracted providers such as non-governmental organisations, charitable trusts, private providers and Health New Zealand (formerly district health boards).
Find information on how to become a provider or to support your work as a provider.
On this page
Contracting with Disability Support Services
If at any time we seek new disability support providers through an open and competitive tender, this would be done through the Government Electronic Tender Service (GETS). GETS is a free service designed to promote open, fair competition for New Zealand Government contract opportunities. More information can be found on the .
We are currently finalising transition arrangements for DSS support functions in the Ministry of Social Development and are focussed on stabilising our system. Any future open and competitive tenders will also be released on this page as well as on GETS.
It is important that any provider of support (contracted or otherwise) recognises and practices the principles of Enabling Good Lives (EGL). The EGL approach is a foundation and framework to guide positive change for disabled people, families, communities and governance structures.
- Find out more about Enabling Good Lives.
Information for existing service providers
As an existing service provider, you may have questions about your contract or want to know more about our policies, service specifications or how we run audits and evaluations. Find out who to ask or where to get detailed information.
Questions about your contract
If you have an existing contractual relationship in place with us and you have questions about the services you provide, please refer to your contract agreement. This agreement will also have your Portfolio Manager's contact details. We encourage you to contact your Portfolio Manager for any queries relating to your contract. If you do not know who your Portfolio Manager is, contact
Contracts and service specifications
You can find detailed information on the type of contracts and service specifications that are relevant to you on our website. This information will be updated over time to reflect any changes.
If you have questions about these upcoming changes, please email:>
Invoicing and payment processing
Invoicing and payment processing services to disability funders, are managed by our Sector Operations team in Health New Zealand.
Their key tasks include:
- payment and administration of agreements
- payment to disability providers for contracted services
- data collection and provision of information
- audit and counter-fraud functions
If you need help with invoicing or payment processing, please refer to the Health New Zealand Sector Operations team contact details, as listed on your contract.
Operational policies
There are three types of operational policies.
1. Exceptional circumstances
This operational policy is used when a Community Residential Support Service Provider seeks to exit a service user from their residential home and when an impasse has been reached between both provider and DSS. Due to exceptional circumstances, managers will determine best solution ensuring obligations to both the service user and the provider.
2. Hosted schemes
Some people are eligible to access one of the Hosted Schemes allowing them to manage their own budget (personal budget) with the help of a Host Provider.
Hosted Schemes include:
- Individualised Funding (IF)
- Enhanced Individualised Funding (EIF)
- Enabling Good Lives (EGL)
3. Recognition payments under Person Directed/Individualised Funding
A Recognition Payment is a payment given for administration work that is done on a voluntarily basis on the disabled person’s behalf. The payment must be for reasonable expenditure incurred.
Purchasing policy
There are a range of flexible purchasing options that give people more choice, control and flexibility over the supports they receive and the lives they live.
These flexible purchasing options are
- Enhanced Person Directed/Individualised Funding
- Choice in Community Living
- Enabling Good Lives Hosted Personal Budgets
- Flexible Disability Supports
Find out more about Disability Support Services operational policy.
Updates to service providers
We're committed to keeping our valued, contracted service providers up to date with what is happening, so that our clients receive the best possible service.
To ensure you get the information you need, we have three main channels:
- Portfolio Managers: We have Portfolio Managers across the country who are responsible for the management of contracts as part of a commissioning cycle. .
- Direct mail: When needed, we may send mail to our service providers. This is usually in response to critical events and any impact on services.
- Newsletters: These will be sent regularly to let service providers know what is happening within Disability Support Services.
As a service provider, you'll be automatically added to each of our main communication channels.
If your contact details change, please let your Portfolio Manager know so we can continue to provide you with the most up-to-date information.