Find out how to become a provider of disability support services and how you can get help with your work
We have a regular newsletter that provides up to date information designed especially for providers.
Information for service providers
We offer a range of disability support services through contracted providers such as non-governmental organisations, charitable trusts, private providers and Health New Zealand (formerly district health boards). Find information on how to become a provider or to support your work as a provider.
On this page you can find contract documents for services funded by Disability Support Services.
Equipment and modification services
Disability Support Services’ Equipment and Modification Services (EMS) provide free or subsidised equipment and modifications to disabled people.
DSS operational policy
This page contains Disability Support Services operational policy documents.
Learn about Enabling Good Lives
This page includes information on Enabling Good Lives (EGL), including embedding the EGL Vision and Principles.
Reporting of critical incidents and deaths
Disability providers need to report all critical incidents to DSS as soon as practical within 24 hours. Learn about the reporting process.
Audits and evaluation
Audit and evaluation provide an opportunity to review disability service providers, and identify areas that may need development.