Appendix 2: Full set of consultation questions
You can choose which questions you answer and don’t have to answer them all.
- What changes can you suggest that would ensure the assessment tool and process is fair, consistent, and transparent? You might for instance wish to suggest it is: done in a different place; in person, or not; that it be supported differently; or that you receive different information about it before or after the assessment occurs.
- What information does the assessment tool need to gather about you and your circumstances to ensure it can identify the support you need?
- Do you support the needs of carers being specifically assessed alongside those of the disabled person? Why/Why not?
- What does DSS need to understand about a carer’s situation in order to link them to, or provide, the support needed?
- How often have your needs and services / supports been reviewed or reassessed?
- What changes to your circumstances do you think should mean a review or reassessment of your services / supports would be needed?
- How often do you think your services / supports need to be reviewed or reassessed? (for instance, every year, every two years, every three years, or every five years).
- What information or support might NASCs provide that will help you access the services, beyond DSS, that you might be eligible for?
- Do you prefer Option 1 (link flexible funding to the person’s plan, with oversight of how it is used) or Option 2 (adjust current lists of what can and can’t be funded using flexible funding)? Why?
- Do you have any suggestions on how flexible funding can be used to allow disabled people and carers as much choice, control and flexibility as possible, while still providing transparency and assurance the funding is being used effectively, and is supporting outcomes?
- Do you support the introduction of criteria for receiving flexible funding? Please let us know why, or why not?
- Which of the following criteria for receiving flexible funding do you agree or disagree should be included and why? (choose all that you think should apply).
- 12a: Use of flexible funding is part of an agreed plan and linked to a specific need.
Why/Why not?
- 12b: Disabled people and/or their family / whānau / carers are able to manage the responsibilities of flexible funding.
Why/Why not?
- 12c: Flexible funding will be used to purchase a service or support that DSS provides through its contracted services/supports, that will address a person’s disability-related support, and there is an advantage to using flexible funding to purchase it (such as greater flexibility for scheduling, it is closer to where the person lives etc).
Why/Why not?
- 12d: Flexible funding will address a service gap, where the service is not otherwise available, or suitable for the individual.
Why/Why not?
- 12e: The cost of the support or service that will be funded is not more expensive than other ways to get that support.
Why/Why not?
- 12f: The flexible funding will enable the person to purchase or access a service that is expected to reduce a person’s future support needs.
Why/Why not?
- 12a: Use of flexible funding is part of an agreed plan and linked to a specific need.
- Can you suggest other criteria for accessing flexible funding in addition to, or instead of, those above? If you have suggestions, please explain why you think they will be helpful for those who are accessing flexible funding.