Factsheet: Review Panel
This factsheet explains information about the Review Panel process, following the Government’s announcement of the Independent Review of the Disability Support System external URL (DSS).
On this page
Cost pressures within DSS have accelerated in recent years as the number of people supported and the costs of supports continue to grow.
Budget 2024 included:
- $322.3M in additional funding for 2024/25 to respond to cost pressures
- total additional funding of $1.1B to support the delivery of DSS over five years.
The indicative budgets for Needs Assessment Service Coordination (NASCs) and fixed budgets for Enabling Good Lives (EGL) sites are higher than spending levels in 2023/24 or previously, due to the additional funding provided in Budget 2024.
About the Review Panel
A Review Panel has been established to provide assurance for specific high-cost support packages before they are confirmed by NASCs and EGL sites.
An Assurance Team triages applications from NASCs/EGL sites before they are submitted to the Review Panel.
The Review Panel includes four employees, with at least one registered health professional, who transferred from Whaikaha to MSD with the Disability Support Services on 16 September 2024.
What Review Panel will consider
- All new proposed individual rates for residential support, including any increases to existing individual rates.
- Planned entries to residential care that the NASC or EGL site considers essential, whether they are on contract rates or individual rates.
- Proposed community packages exceeding $105,000 per annum.
In carrying out its work, the Review Panel will:
- have regard to the needs of individuals, fairness, and equity
- operate consistently with the principles of good public decision-making, including ensuring all relevant factors have been taken into consideration and decisions are reasonable, transparent, consistent, and appropriately documented
- consider applications for alternatives to residential support and higher cost community packages, in a way that is equitable and ensures overall affordability.
Collectively the Review Panel will have deep understanding and knowledge of:
- delivery of residential support
- pricing of Whaikaha funded supports
- budget and financial management
- equity principles, including the provision of support that is culturally appropriate for tāngata whaikaha Māori and Pacific disabled people
- the NASC, EGL site and provider operating environment and processes
- clinical care for those with high needs
- any other skills and knowledge considered necessary.
More information
Find more information about the Independent Review on our website.