Proposal 6

Change how flexible funding can be used to make it clearer on what it can and can’t be used for.

We are proposing to make changes to how flexible funding can be used. An important aspect to this will be making the rules and guidance material easy to understand and easy to follow. This would include alternate formats.

Outlined below are two different options for setting out how flexible funding can be used.

On this page

Option 1 – Link flexible funding to the person’s plan, with oversight of how it is used

This option would provide choice and control for the disabled person in how they use flexible funding to fund the support they need, but with increased transparency of the way the money is spent, and the outcomes it is helping to achieve. This would be done by:

  • Requiring an up-to-date plan that sets out the outcomes sought and the support needs of the disabled person, how the flexible funding will be used, and why it is the best option to address the support needs to help the person live a good life.
  • Making it clear that the disabled person or their agent is responsible for using flexible funding in line with the agreed plan to support the outcomes identified in the plan.
  • Setting in place periodic reviews to confirm the plan is still appropriate and flexible funding is being used to work towards the plan.

A plan would likely include what the flexible funding is expected to be used for – which would include regular daily support (such as support with preparing and cleaning up after meals) and things that focus on personal goals or changes in a person’s situation (such as support for learning how to cook in anticipation of moving into an independent living situation).

It would include how the funding is expected to be used to meet that support need (such as by paying wages for a support person), and what other options might be available to meet that support need. It would also note any changes to how the funding is used over time.

Option 2 – Adjust current lists of what can and can’t be funded using flexible funding

This option is similar to the current approach to flexible funding by retaining the approach of determining through rules and guidelines what flexible funding can and cannot be used for. This option would involve:

  • Defining a list of products and services that flexible funding can be used for.
  • Defining a list of products that flexible funding cannot be used for.
  • Set spending limits for individual products and services.
  • Create guidance on what supports are funded elsewhere and require these to be explored prior to considering the exceptions process outlined below.
  • Introduce an exceptions process that allows for flexibility to buy supports that are not included in the list of what flexible funding can be used for, or on the list of what flexible funding cannot be used for, on a case-by-case basis.

Consultation questions:

9. Do you prefer Option 1 (link flexible funding to the person’s plan, with oversight of how it is used) or Option 2 (adjust current lists of what can and can’t be funded using flexible funding)? Why?

10. Do you have any suggestions on how flexible funding can be used to allow disabled people and carers as much choice, control and flexibility as possible, while still providing transparency and assurance the funding is being used effectively, and is supporting outcomes?