Prioritisation Guideline

Download the Priority One Rating form and Prioritisation Guideline questions and answers are available.

  • The intention of the prioritization tool is to identify urgency and risk in relation to equipment and modification requests (for equipment, housing and vehicles), so solutions are available for those with the highest need.
  • The prioritization tool will be used for all band 2 and 3 requests. Band 1 remains as current process.

All Priority 1 (P1) requests require a moderation process. There are two options for this to occur and services will need to decide which option they will choose. Please discuss this with your team leaders.  The default option is to nominate a clinical lead to review prioritisation allocation. 

  1. The service nominates a clinical leader to review P1 EMS requests. This may be through current clinical review/supervision processes already in place, or a new process the service sets up.   
  2. The assessment service or district nominates a clinical leader (e.g., Director of Allied Health) to monitor P1 applications via the portal online reporting. Whaikaha will be regularly meeting with the Directors of Allied Health to support this process.  

When a P1 request is made, Assessors will need to identify which option is relevant for their service and who the clinical leader is.  This is to be recorded on the P1 form.

  • If your request meets one or more of the P1 indicators on the form, please indicate this on the portal (by selecting corresponding boxes). The P1 form must be uploaded with your service request once you are linked to the Enable or Accessable website.  
  • If the EMS request does not meet any of the P1 indicators, it is priority 2. Please select P2 in the portal.  The service request will be put in a queue until funding is available. You will receive an email to notify you when funding is available and the next steps.
  • P2 service request will remain visible for assessors under their portal log-in. Priority status can be changed if required i.e., needs become more urgent or change.  This should be after discussion with your clinical lead.  Please share the P2 letter addressed to disabled people to support communication with people needing to wait for solutions.