We can all contribute to quality and safeguarding
DSS is committed to improving the quality and safety of the disability supports and services we fund.
The disability community, DSS providers, Whaikaha and other organisations across Government also have a role in improving the quality of disability supports and safeguarding disabled people:
- Disabled people, their families and whānau - bring their knowledge, experiences and expectations of quality supports. They can talk with their disability support provider or connector about things that are working well and things that could improve.
- People accessing support through Personal Budgets or Individualised Funding are responsible for checking the quality of the supports that they purchase.
- Organisations that provide disability support - are responsible for delivering quality disability supports. This is agreed in the contracts between DSS and disability providers.
- DSS is responsible for checking that the services we fund deliver quality and safe supports, as described in the relevant contracts, legislation, regulation and policies.
- Needs Assessment Service Coordination (NASC) and Enabling Good Lives (EGL) sites work with disabled people and their families to access disability supports that enable their good life. This includes reviewing supports for the disabled person if quality or safeguarding concerns indicate a need for change.
- Other government agencies also have a role. DSS does not check the quality of services funded by other organisations (such as those in the health, education or social support system). For example, the Health and Disability Commissioner for complaints relating to the Code of Rights, the Ministry of Health to check providers against Ngā Paerewa standards, and the Police to investigate crimes.