Proposal 4

Make sure that the services and support a person receives continues to meet their needs.

Needs assessment reviews and reassessments should ensure supports and services are the best fit for the disabled person and their family/whānau and carers. We want to ensure we are not over-assessing and creating additional burden and uncertainty.  But it is also important to update supports and services in a timely manner.

We want to make sure it is clear what a disabled person can expect from DSS, and that the support received is clearly linked to their disability related needs and continues to reflect their changing needs. We are proposing an approach that will consider both the individual’s needs, and the support they are currently receiving (e.g. from family / whānau and carers).

Consultation questions:

5. How often have your needs and services / supports been reviewed or reassessed?

6. What changes to your circumstances do you think should mean a review or reassessment of your services / supports would be needed?

7. How often do you think your services / supports need to be reviewed or reassessed? (for instance, every year, every two years, every three years, or every five years).