Run your own workshop

If you can't get to one of our online or in-person sessions, you might like to run a session for your own organisation or group. 

We have put together a pack of all the materials you will need to run your own workshop. 

This consultation is seeking feedback on options to stabilise the disability support system by making changes to:

  • the allocations process, and
  • accessing and administering flexible funding.

This pack provides:

  • everything you need to run a session
  • background information on the consultation
  • instructions on how to provide your feedback to DSS.

Your feedback will help us design a service that provides a better experience for our partners, employers, clients and their whānau. 

On this page

These instructions are suggestions only - you'll know what will work best for your participants. What's important is that everyone is given a chance to provide feedback and have that recorded across the range of topics. 

Background material

It will be important for attendees at your session to have access to the following material in advance to ensure they are prepared:

Information for presenter

The following files are available for you to download:

What you will need

  • A room big enough for your group
  • chairs and tables
  • pens and paper
  • Laptop or computer.

Depending on the number of participants, you will need to allocate approximately 8 people per table.

If your room does not have tables, seat groups together in a circle facing inward.

Hard copies of the discussion document, summary and fact sheets should be available.

Feedback sheets – printed on A3 (at least 1 set per table) may be useful.

Running the workshop

How the activity will work

The workshop should take approximately 2.5 hours. You can spread this over 2 separate sessions, if needed.

Create groups

Separate participants into groups of between 3 and 8 people. 

Run through the presentation

The run sheet will take you through what needs to be covered in each section of the presentation.

There is a lot of material to cover and this is why the run sheets suggest timings for each section.

Hand out a feedback sheets to each group once you have read the question

Ensure you hand out 1 set of feedback sheets for each table, when you have read the question to participants.

Each table will then discuss the question and write their responses on the sheets of paper.

When they are finished, collect the sheets for that question and then move to the next question.

Repeat the process above for each question.

Submitting your feedback

All feedback will need to be transcribed from the handwritten feedback sheets into the Group Submission forms (see Group Submission form document).

The Group Submission forms should be emailed to

More information

If you have any questions or would like more information please email: